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Раскрывая скобки,напишите данное предложение,образуя предложения 1,2,3 типов. a) if i ) the lottery,i ) a big house. b) if she ) my sister, she ) her to come here. c) if their parents )the 10: 30 train, they ) in time.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if i win  the lottery, i'll buy a big house (first conditional). if i won the lottery, i would buy a big house (second conditional). if i had won the lottery, i would have won a big house (third conditional). 2. if she sees my sister, she'll tell her to come here (f. if she saw my sister, she would tell her to come here (s. if she had seen my sister, she would have told her to come here (t. 3. if their parents catch the 10.30 train, they'll arrive in time (f. if their parents caught the 10.30 train, they would arrive in time (s. if their parents had caught the 10.30 train, the would have arrived in time (t.

A) if i won the lottery, i would buy a big house. если бы я выиграл в лотерею, я бы купил большой дом. b) if she had seen my sister, she would've told her to come here. если бы она повидалась с моей сестрой, она мы сказала ей прийти сюда. c) if their parents catch the 10: 30 train, they will arrive in time. если их родители попадут на поезд, который будет в половину одиннадцатого, они приедут вовремя.

you need to look at a  timetable (расписание) to find out when train arrives


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