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Расказат о себе на английском языке бистрое Привет меня зовут Шахиста .Мне одинацт я родился две тисичи девятом году в шестнадцатое октября.Мы на семье 4 человека папа мама брат и я .Папа родился в тисичи девитсот семнадицать третое году .Мама родился в тисичи девитсот восемьдесят третое году .Брат родился в две тисичи седьмое году .Мы живём Емиля Алексеко 5 в Алтайский край .Папа работает в строительстве,мама работает в кафе, а мы учимся в школе тридцать восемое .

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hi my name is Shahista .I am eleven, born in the year two thousand and nine, on the sixteenth of October.I have 4 people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and me .Dad was born in nineteen-seventeen-thirty-three .My mother was born in the thousand devit hundred eight hundred and third year .Brother was born in two Taichi seventh year .We live Emilya Alekseko 5 in the Altai Territory .Dad works in construction,Mom works in a cafe, and we go to school for thirty years .

Hi my name is Shahista .I odinist I was born two Taichi ninth year in the sixteenth of October.We are a family of 4 people dad mom brother and me .Dad was born in Tisichi devit hundred and seventeen in the third year .Mama was born in Tishichi in the year two hundred and eighty-three .Brother was born in two Taichi seventh year .We live Emilya Alekseko 5 in the Altai Territory .Dad works in construction,Mom works in a cafe, and we go to school for thirty years .

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