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I. Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения (простую или абсолютную): 1. (My / Mine) copybooks are in the bag and where are (your / yours)?
2. Whose house is that? – It’s (hers / her). She bought it two years ago.
3. (Theirs / Their) relatives live in the USA but (ours / our) live in Latin America.
4. (Yours / Your) cats are so clever but (mine / my) aren’t clever at all.
5. (Ours / Our) children like chocolates very much but (your / yours) don’t like sweets.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. My brother never (go; goes; will go) on business trips by train. He prefers taking planes.
2. Peter and Sara (see; saw; will see) a new melodrama on TV the day before yesterday.
3. We (enjoy; enjoys; will enjoy) jogging in the morning every day.
4. They (visited; visits, will visit) Red square in Moscow next month.
5. My father and I (lives; lived; will live) in Berlin when my dad was a military officer.
III. Вставьте вместо пропуска: (do / does / don’t / doesn’t):
1. I … have friends in England but I have many friends in Italy.
2. … he have many friends at school? My daughter … have any friends at school.
3. Our uncle … have a house in the village but he has a big apartment in the city.
4. …you have much free time next Sunday? How about going to the café together?
5. His uncle … have a car. He has a Japanese motorcycle. It’s very expensive.
IV. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильный предлог:
1. My parents always go to Paris … airplane. They are working in France. (by; over; with; to).
2. There are a lot of English dictionaries … the college library. (under; over; on; in)
3. This present is … your sister. Happy birthday … her! (for; at; in; to;)
4. There is a beautiful park … our school. We enjoy walking there. (over; on; behind; for)
5. I prefer eating chicken soup … sour cream and pepper. (on; with; under; at)

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык в скобках поставьте правильный фразовый глагол:
look forward to / take down / look after / take up / take off /
1. Her grandmother is old enough. Tanya must … … her every day.
2. … … my telephone number and call me the day after tomorrow, please.
3. We … … to going to Spain for winter holiday. We learn Spanish and we like traveling.
4. My children are at the airport in Moscow. The plane will … … in 20 minutes.
5. I like watching basketball on TV and soon I want to … … playing basketball myself.

VI. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be»: is / are / will be / was / were /:
1. There … a lot of beautiful skyscrapers and places of interest in New York.
2. … there many students at the History class last Monday?
3. There … a lot of milk at home now, just enough for today.
4. … there any fresh vegetables and fruits in the local market today? – Yes, there …a lot.
5. There … two PE classes and a Biology class at college the day after tomorrow.

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Aleksandrovsky palace, drawbridge

Популярно: Английский язык