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Sam is very (curious/dangerous) and always asks a lot of questions. Sam is very (curious/dangerous) and always asks a lot of questions. I was to ( take/give) up street luge because it looks amazing.

He’s the world (champion/tournament) for the third time.

Samuel does his job (well/good).

Be (carefully/careful) with my bag.

Patricia (wants/is wanting) to buy some old coins.

Dean (does not believe/are not believing) in ghosts.

My parents (think/are thinking) about buying a new house.

She’s looking forward to (go/going) to university.

He is very unkind. He made the boy (cry/to cry).

He agreed (to work/working) at weekend.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. травоядные: слон, заяц, лама, зебра, олень 2. плотоядные: волк, рысь, хорек, енот, лиса всеядные: енто полоске, бурый медведь, серый журавль, бородавочник, исполинская ящерица

Популярно: Английский язык