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e.g. invented discovered a) Mike invented the device, but it was his brother who put it on the market.
b) Columbus discovered America in 1492.
1 Geography Earth Science
a) Tom finds___ fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation and history of our planet.
b) Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her class.
2 raise lift
a) You don’t have to your voice. I can hear you very well.
b) This sofa is really heavy. Help me it.
3 salary wage
a) He earns a lot. He has a high .
b) The company has announced an increase in the workers’ hourly.
4 employers employees
a) The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more .
b) Ann is very happy because her gave her a pay rise.
B Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.
Freelancer, permission, shift, living, bring up, conclusion, invented, deadline, swapped, sound, bring out, overtime
5. The police came to the that it wasn’t the accountant who had stolen the money.
6. I addresses with the two girls I met on holiday.
7. Does your dad often work ?
8. Susan asked for to leave early.
9. Charles Babbage the computer.
10. It is amazing how Ann has been able to four children and work at the same time. I really admire her.
11. He works as a from home.
12. Alex has a tough to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.
13. What does your mum do for a ?
C Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.
14. “Lisa was exhausted yesterday.” – “I know. She (study) for a history exam all day.”
15. “Why was Mr. Smith angry with Pam?” – “Because she ( not/ finish) her work.
16. How long (you/study) French before you first visited France?

Test 3 A (Module 3)
17. They ( live) in Spain before they moved to Greece.
18. ( she/ finish) making the lunch when the guests arrived?
D Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple, Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.
19. Kate (go) out with her friends after she had finished her homework.
20. Dr Stephens (perform) a lot of experiments before he made an important discovery.
21. How long (you/wait) before the bus arrived?
22. When (James/ graduate) from the university?
23. Sam (not/ win) the Young Inventor of the Year Award last year, but he’s sure he will this year.
E Underline the correct item.
24. I believe Sam will have a brilliant career in/ at law.
25. Her husband’s new job brings around/in an extra 200 pounds a week.
26. Mary was under/in charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.
27. This song brings out/back happy memories from my childhood.
28. I don’t think Evelyn can work well under/ in pressure; maybe someone else should do this project.
29. In/At the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.
30. Abraham Lincoln began his political career at/in the young age of twenty-three.
31. The new government has brought round/ about many changes in education.
32. Ben couldn’t believe it while/when he won first prize at the science show.
Everyday English
F Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.
Pat: Guess what! I’ve got some great news. a) How does he like his new job?
Sue: 33) . b) That’s too bad.
Pat: My brother got a new job last week. c) Really? What happened?
Sue: 34) . d) What does his new job involve?
Pat: Yes, he works for a company as a computer programmer. e) Wow! That’s fantastic!
Sue: 35) .
Pat: Well, he creates software for the company.
Sue: 36) .
Pat: He loves it, but the pay isn’t really that good.
Sue: 37). Is he disappointed?​
Pat: No, he’s very optimistic that he’ll get a pay rise in the near future.
Sue: That’s great.

Test 3 A (Module 3)
G Read the following text and choose the correct answer (A, B, С or D).

38. When Al was young, he wanted to be a(n)
A shop owner B inventor C computer designer D pilot
39. Al’s mother believed that
A it wasn’t important for Al to get a good education. C Al would make a very good lawyer.
B Al might not earn enough money from the job he wanted to do. D a good education would help Al with his
40. While Al was at university, he
A got a job as an architect. C trained to be a professional actor.
B worked at the university library. D continued to build model airplanes.

41. What did Al soon after graduation?
A He lived in France for a while. C He opened up his own business.
B He did some travelling. D He learned how to speak French.

42. Al wants to open
A another shop B shops in different countries C five shops in his town D shops in different cities

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Yesterday me and my best friend went to the cinema. but i felt bored watching the movie, and decided to go home. when i came back home, i immediately felt asleep, because i was very tired.

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