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1) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. A: What you to do this weekend?
B Nothing special. I unusually (to visit my parents weekends but they (to leave) for London on Friday.
2. 1 (1o go) to the gym every day for two months and 1 (not to lose weight yet
3. They (to know each other for ten years and they (to share the flat for the last four years
4. A: Do you (like) bungee jumping?
B: I never to try it out to think of trying it this weekend.

2) Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect

1. I don't think John (to pass his exam. He hasn't studied enough
2. This time next year Jane (to study in Dublin.
3. You (to finish) your project by the end of the month?
4. I am very hungry. I (to make) myself something to eat.
5. This time next week we (to shop) in Milan.
6. Clark (to drive) hin new car tomorrow at 12 o'clock,
7. I (to come) home by N pm tomorrow.
8.What you (do) tomorrow st o'clock?
9. I (send) an SMS before I leave work, OK?
10. I (not/finish) reading this book by the end of the week.

3)Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -lng form, to-inflative, lenitive without to video
1. Please remind me (return) the DVD
2. My mother made me (clean) my room.
3. Would you like (90) shopping tomorrow?
4 I don't mind (watch) this film again. 5. Let me (help) you with your bag.
5.Let me (help) you with your bag.
6. I can't wait (hear) your news.
7. I'm looking forward to (travel) to Africa.
8. Kate should (vii) the doctor
9. I can't imagine (live) in another country,
10. Thanks, I'd love Join) you.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Visit / are leaving
2. Have been going / have not lost weight yet
3. Have known / have been sharing
4. Like

1. Will pass
2. Will be studying
3. Will you have finished
4. Will make
5. Will be shopping
6. Will be driving
7. Will come
8. What will you be doing
9. Will send
10. Will not have finished

1. Remind me to return...
2. Made me clean my room
3. Would you like to go shopping...
4. I don’t mind watching this film...
5. Let me help you...
6. I can’t wait to to hear...
7. I’m looking forward to traveling to Africa
8. Kate should visit the doctor
9. I can’t imagine living in...
10. I’d love to join you

a) She is sitting in the office.

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