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Nature Природа

Nature is all around us. We see it every day. It’s the sunset, the sunrise, the song of birds, the blooming оf flowers, the wind that blows, etc. These signs are an integral part of our lives. On the one hand we cherish these natural blessings, on the other hand – we don’t appreciate fully their importance.

Thus, our future generations can be cut from these treasures. They might see less of natural wonders, because the humanity gradually destroys forests and kills some species of animals. It all happens due to industrial revolution and the growing number of chemical plants. Humans are the only species on our planet that consciously manipulate the environment. Unfortunately, we are poor leaders in this hierarchy, if we can’t increase the awareness of ecology.

People are too self-centered to notice how badly they treat the surrounding environment. For thousands of years they lived in harmony with nature till the development of civilization. They could use the natural riches limitlessly, while today we have to use all the resources sparingly. Pollution is another threat to nature. So many cities today are trapped in air and noise pollution that comes from motor vehicles and factories. That’s why some people tend to live in the countryside, where the air is much cleaner and fresher. World industries throw about 1000 million tons of dust and harmful substances into atmosphere. As a result many rare species of animals and plants die out, lakes dry up, forests disappear.

Obviously our nurtured nature is in danger. And if people don’t take serious measures to save it, our planet can soon become lifeless. Очевидно, наша драгоценная природа в опасности. И если люди не примут серьезных мер по ее то наша планета скоро станет безжизненной.


Nature is beautiful and multifaceted. She surrounds us everywhere, but often we do not notice her beauty, running by, we are always in a hurry somewhere, immersed in our affairs and concerns, which seem to us very important.

Nature is amazing and unique. This can be seen on any street in the city, but especially in the forest. It is enough to set aside one day and go with your family or friends, you can even go alone to the nearest forest. To see how many animals and birds live in our latitudes, to appreciate the variety of plants. It is noteworthy that this can be done at any time of the year - our forests are always amazing and beautiful. In spring - when nature wakes up and the forest land is covered with a dense blue carpet of snowdrops. In the summer - when everything in the forest lives and breathes, filling it with their voices. In autumn, when the forest changes its magnificent green outfit for an equally beautiful yellow with shades of crimson. In winter - when everything is covered with a sparkling white veil, but, nevertheless, continues to live. It's worth spending a little of your time.

Man is also a part of nature, regularly forgetting about it. Unfortunately, environmental pollution and destruction of animal habitats is the result of human activity and its irresponsible attitude. Man destroys the ecosystem without thinking about what destroys his home, because the planet is the cradle of humanity.

I think that protecting the environment and maintaining nature is the task of each of us. If we all make our feasible contribution to this, we will be able to preserve the diversity of life on our planet, we will not let the species disappear without a trace, which, unfortunately, are now dying out due to human fault.  Today, there are many organizations involved in the conservation of nature and the rescue of endangered species. But even without being a member of these organizations, anyone can help to preserve nature. After all, it is not at all difficult to plant a tree or carry garbage to the trash can.

1. they're yellow. what are they? they're boats.2. it's pink. what   is it? it's a ballerina. 3. they're blue. what are they? they're pencils.4. it's green. what is it? it's a crocodile.5. they're red. what are they? they're apples.6. they're brown. what are they? they're bears.

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