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Circle the correct item, 1 Ben isn't in his room. He's his homework,
A doing
B does Cdo
2 The Beatles a lot of his hits in the 1960s.
A are having B had Chave
countries produce the best olive oil?
A Who
8 Where C Which
4 Steve never milk.
A drinks
B doesn't C drink
5 Did you the potatoes?
A try
B fned
C frying​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A

The best restaurant in our town is owned by my parents.the head waiter was dismissed by my father last week as some stock from the cellar had been stolen by the head waiter.all the work was going to be done by a new waiter.i was asked to help serve the food.all the orders were mixed up and several complaints were made.i will never be asked by my father to help him again.

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