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She likes TV, but her husband doesn’t. A) watching B) to watch C) watches D)watched Her sister doesn’t eating a hamburger.
A) like B) likes C) liking D) liked
16. Do you like in your free time?
A) read B) reads C) to read D) reading
17. I like but I like swimming.
A) sailing / don’t B) sail / doesn’t
C) sail / don’t D) sail / do
18. Tom her but she doesn’t like .
A) like / her B) likes / him C) likes / he D) like / him
19. Andrew buys a newspaper everyday. reads at home.
A) It / he B) Him / it C) He / it D) His / it
20. Mike eats cheeseburgers because likes .
A) he / their B) him / they C) he / them D) him / them

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Ответы на вопрос:

She likes watching TV
Her sister doesn’t like
16. C
17. A
18. B
19. С
20. С

Это present continuous she's looking so relieved now that test is over.

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