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Test I вариант
Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, правильно употребив времена Future Simple и Present Simple.
Упражнение 2. Составьте сложное предложение из двух простых, используя союзы, данные в скобках. Примените правило 1.
ОБРАЗЕЦ: I’ll wait here. You’ll get back. (until) — I’ll wait here until you get back.
1. Give me a ring. You’ll hear some news. (when)
2. The TV programme will end. I’ll do my homework. (after)
3. I’ll go to work. I’ll have a bath. (before)
4. She’ll be in Paris. She’ll visit friends. (when)
5. The lesson will end. I’ll go home. (as soon as)
6. I won’t leave the house. The postman will call. (until)
7. Can you feed the cats? I’ll be away, (when)
8. I’ll tell you about the holiday. I’ll get back. (when)
9. I’ll study English. I’ll speak it perfectly. (until)
Упражнение 3. Ваш друг уезжает на каникулы. Задайте ему вопросы о его поездке.
ОБРАЗЕЦ: What/do/miss/plane? — What will you do if you miss the plane?
1. What/do/plane/be late?
2. Where/stay/hotels/be full?
3. Who/talk to/not make any friends?
4. What/do/not like the food?
5. Where/go/beaches/be crowded?
6. What/do/get sunburnt?
Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, правильно употребив времена Future Simple и Present Simple.
ОБРАЗЕЦ. When I (see) Tom tomorrow, I (invite) him to our party. — When I see Tom tomorrow, I will invite him to our party.
Before you (leave), don’t forget to shut the windows. 2. I (phone) you as soon as I (arrive) in London. 3. Please don’t touch anything before the police (come). 4. Everyone (be) very surprised if he (pass) the exams. 5. When you (see) Brian again, you (not/ recognize) him. 6. We (not/start) dinner until Jack (arrive). 7. (you/ feel) lonely without me while I (be) away? 8. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you. 9. Come on! Hurry up! Ann (be) annoyed if we (be) late.
Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:
If it…. (be) very hot, they …(go) to the beach.
If there … (be), rain we…(stay) at home
If the sun (to shine), we (to walk) to the town.
If he (to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor


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