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4 Complete the text. Write one preposition for each space. My friend laughs at me because I love chocolate cake and eat lots of it. She told me to stop eating
so much, but I didn’t listen 1 her. She doesn’t want to put 2 weight, so she’s not
eating any cakes. But last week I had a nasty surprise. Now I think I need to find 3
something about diets, too. What happened? I tried 4 my best dress, but it didn’t fit me! I
really want to get 5 that dress for my party next month.

/ 5

5 Read the dialogue. Choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Everyone loves magic and I’m sure everyone A to do magic tricks, but not everyone 1 do
them well. I was six years old when my parents gave 2 a magic set for my birthday. I loved
it, but my hands weren’t 3 to do most of the tricks. I 4 do some of them today and
once a month my friends and I get 5 and try out tricks on each other. I 6 that it’s
about selling the idea of the trick to the audience. You 7 look nervous. You 8 make
them believe what is happening. You 9 practise a lot though – that’s very important. Last
week I saw an amazing trick where the magician made an elephant disappear. I still 10
worked out how the magician did it.

A has tried B is trying C tried
1 A can B has to C must
2 A to me B for me C me
3 A big enough B enough big C too big
4 A can B must C have to
5 A down B together C into
6 A learn B haven’t learned C have learned
7 A mustn’t B don’t have to C don’t
8 A can B have to C need
9 A don’t have to B must C can
10 A can’t B isn’t C haven’t

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