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Complete the dialogue with the phrases below and the relative pronouns who, which / that, whose and where. Add commas where necessary.
• actually lasts 45 minutes • is a very smart clothing shop • isn’t too early
• names I’m still trying to remember • owns the shop • shop there • they should be • work there • you can find some nice cafés and shops • you wanted

Beth Did you get the job 1 ?
Suzie Yes. I’m now a shop assistant at Rags to Riches 2 . It’s on Jamestown Road.
Beth Where’s that?
Suzie It’s a street in Camden Town 3 . It’s a great place to work because I can go out to a café in my lunch hour 4 .
Beth Are the people 5 nice?
Suzie Yes, they are. The woman 6 is great, and so are the two other people there 7 .
Beth What are your working hours?
Suzie I start at 9.30 8 . The shop closes at 5.30, but we have to tidy up after that, so I finish at about six. The people 9 leave clothes everywhere after they look at them. They don’t put them back in the
places 10 .
Beth Well, I’ve been shopping with you lots of times, and you do that, too!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Белый квадрат - действующее лицо (например я, или кошка)чёрный треугольник - глагол умеюбелый треугольник - глагол действия , например прыгать, бегатьбелый круг - это существительное например дом (жить в доме)я живу в доме - белый квадрат белый треугольник белый кругя умею плавать - белый квадрат чёрный треугольник белый треугольник

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