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Запишите предложения, выбрав подходящее по смыслу слово, подчеркните вставленное слово и переведите
предложения. .
1. He was a bit (skinny fat) when he was younger, but he lost a lot of weight.
2. Max is (fit plump). He goes to the gym three times a week. .
3. Jordan's sister is so (ugly pretty). Her classmates want to date with her.
4. Her (freckles wrinkles) make her look younger than she is.
5. He is completely (spiky bold). He lost his hair years ago.
6. My sister used to dye her hair (blondelshort).
7. Mr Black was a soldier. He has a tattoo scar) on his face.
8. "Ginger" is a nickname for a person who has (fair red) hair.
9. She spent her holiday on Bali. I saw her dark (moustache tan).
10. He is trying to grow a (belly beard).​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. long


3.in the future


Популярно: Английский язык