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Replace the phrases in bold with an expression using make, take or do so that the sentence means the same.
1. The politician said some interesting things about the new driving test.
The politician made some interesting comments about the new driving test.
2. When the rain started we sheltered under a big tree.
3. Helen had a good idea about where we should go for a picnic.
4. The man objected to Dad's comment about his car and drove off angrily.
5. I tried several times to start the car but with no success.
6. I looked online for information about the history of motoring for the project.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i got up before 7 o'clock. i didn't get up. 2. i had a shower. i didn't have a shower. 3. i bough a magazine. i didn't buy. 4. i ate meat. i didn't eat. 5. i went to bed before 10: 30. i didn't go to bed before

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