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Раскройте скобки, употребляются глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1.I(to go) to the cinema yesterday.
2.I(to go)to the cinema at four'o clock yesterday.
3.They(to go)to the cinema when they met me.
4.She(to learn)words the whole evening yesterday.
5.She(to learn)words when mother came home.
6.He(to work)in the garden yesterday.
7.He(to work)in the garden from five till eight yesterday.
8.My sister is found of reading.She(to read)the whole evening yesterday.
9.The children(to do)their lessons at six o'clock yesterday
10.I(not to play)the piano yesterday.I(to write) a letter to my friend.
11.I(not to play)the piano at four o'clock yesterday.I(to read)a book.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) went

2) went тут не уверена

3) were going

4) was learning

5) was learning

6) worked

7) was working

8) was reading

9) did

10) did not play, was writing

11) did not play, was reading


Петя громко разговаривал по телефону во во время урока языка. мимо классов проходил завуч и услышал его. когда завуч заглянул в класс, петя быстро спрятал свой телефон,а мой так и остался лежать на парте. завуч подумал, что это я говорил по телефону и поставила мне в дневник двойку. было неприятно получить плохую отметку, тем более, что я был не виноват.

Популярно: Английский язык