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простое время или настоящее совершенное? Закончите предложения. 1) Where is Alice Where she (go)?
2) I’m not thirsty. I (drink) already some lemonade.
3) Jane already (finish) doing her room. It is very clean.
4 )Daddy, look, we (buy) a new bicycle!

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Where did she go?

2. I have already drunk...

3. Has already finished...

4. bought

5. have just broken

1) Where is Alice Where has she gone?

2) I’m not thirsty. I have already drunk some lemonade.

3) Jane has already finished doing her room. It is very clean.

4 )Daddy, look, we have bought a new bicycle!

5) I am so sorry. I have just broken your favourite vase.


If you want to know about the british parlament, i will tell you this. the british parlament sits in one bilding whis is called the palace of wensminster. its also called the houses of parlament because there are two houses: the house of lords and the house of commans. i think you are interesting what the difference between them? in the house of commans   mp, or members of parlament make all the important dicigions and work on bills, which later become new laws. in the house of lords people talk about bills before they become new laws. этого достаточно, это - вся основная информация. если будете беседовать с учителем, она будет задавать вопросы, заучи следующее: - the qeen it is the head of state. - prime ministr it is leader of mps. - people vote for mps every five years. - the queen uses norman french as part of tradition. - the house of lords is red. - the house of commans is green.

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