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a) to give b) to go c) become d) to water e) to be f) to change
g) to fall h) to do i) to shake j) to come k) to move l) to have
m) to show n) to make o) to blow p) become z) to move
The water cycle (1)___ how water moves and changes on the Earth .It is a cycle , because it doesn't (2)___ a beginning or an end.It is important, because it (3)___ us water to drink .It also (4)___ plants for our food.The warm air (5)___ up and becomes cold .When it comes down , it rains .Then little wet drops (6)___ into millions of drops of water and (7)___ clouds .When the clouds (8)___ in sky , it may rain. When the air (9)___ colder, more drops of water are formed . When there are very many drops of water, they (10)___ so heavy that the coulds cannot hold them , so they (11)___ down on the ground.This is rain. When it is very cold, these drops (12)___ little crystals of ice and fall down on the ground. This is snow. When and why (13)___ the wind (14)___? When the air becomes warm , it goes up into the air and the cold air (15)___ down. So the air (16)___ and the wind blows and all the trees (17)___.

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I. red riding hood. this . my grandmother. we . good friends. this . my grandmother's house. and this . mr. wolf. we . not friends.допиши реплики. в каком слове есть слог .[iᶕ] - в слове:   here   is this your house? no, it isn't. . lives  here? the witch.  look ! this is her house.   and this is my house!

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