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Раскрыть скобки, поставив слова в нужную форму. Dear Mary,
Thank you very much for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I have left school. I 1. (leave) in July. I 2.(be) fed up with it and I 3.(want) to earn some money. I 3. (work) for a newspaper in London. It’s great.
Laura 4. (leave) school, too. She 5. (go) to college now. I 6. (not see) her since she 7. (go) to college. Casey (see) her last week while she 8 (play) badminton with Sue. Casey says he 9 (not recognize) her. Vince, Sue and Casey 9.(be) still at school, but they all 10.(study) different subjects. So they 11.(not see) each other very often. I 12. (go out) with Sue now. Sue and Vince 13.(learn) to drive. When I 14. (see) them yesterday, Sue 15. (drive).
Well that’s all the news for now. I hope to hear from you soon.

Bye for now, Love, Terry.

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