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Complete the text with prepositions or - ( no prepositions)
Last year we were on holiday in Spain and we went to an amazing festival the running of the bulls in Pamplona. The festival starts (1) ___ 7 July and the bulls run every day (2) 14 July. The bulls run from outside the town centre, (3) the town's streets (4) the bullring, and people - often young men - can run (5) the bulls until they get (6) there. Lots of people watch the bulls run; you just stand (7) ___special fences. We stood (8) the museum, where there is a very good view, but we had to be there (9) 6.30 in the morning to get a piacel. The festival started hundreds of year ago, but it only became famous in the 1920s when it appeared in a book (10) ___ Ernest Hemingway. It was great fun - veey exciting but also quite scary!​

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я весной гуляла с друзьями, мы играли в разные игры, веселились и хорошо проводили время вместе!

еще я иногда сидела дома, читала книгу, слушала музыку, смотрела телевизор, и играла с животными и родными, мне было так весело с ними! у меня были самые лучшие каникулы, а я думала что мне будет скучно, а на самом деле было все просто замечательно!

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