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1) Complete the text with Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. A typical day in Lisa's life
Her mother always 1) (wake) her up at seven o'clock. She 2) (get) up and 3) (go) to the bathroom. There she 4) (wash) and 5)(brush) her teeth. Then she 6) (walk) downstairs and 7) (have) breakfast. Then she 8) (say) goodbye to her parents and 9) (leave) the house. She usually 10) (catch) the bus to school where she 11) (meet) some friends. After school she 12) (do) her homework and 13) (study) for a test. Then she 14) (chat) with her friends,15) (read) a book or 16) (watch) one of her favourite sitcoms.

2) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. My unclea new laptop every year. (buy)
2. Claire and Zoe a cake for my birthday every year. (bake)
3. My sister hard and that's why she never (try / fail)
4. Ashley and her friends in the park every weekend. (play)
5. Our dog our neighbour's cat in the garden. (chase)

3) Write down the negations (отрицания) of the verbs in the positive sentences.

1. He works from Monday to Friday. He at weekends.
2. My friends and I play baseball. We basketball and football.
3. Sandra and Mary live in Chicago. Dorothy there.
4. My mother likes reading books and magazines. My brothers reading.
5. My neighbours take their holidays in July. They them in August.

4) Form questions in the present simple with the words given.

1. What / you / have / for breakfast - ?
2. When / he / come / on Fridays - ?
3. How often / she / go out / with her friends - ?
4. Your brother / live / in England - ?
5. The kids / like / their new English teacher ?

5) Put the words into the correct order. Write down the sentences.

1. visit / they / sometimes / on Sunday / their aunt - .
2. you / to the mall / go / often / do/ with your friends - ?
3. a tennis match / hardly ever / watches / he - .
usually / have / we / dinner / before seven / don't - .
4. read / does/ the paper / always / she / in the morning - ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Waking getting going washing brushing walking having staying leaving catching meeting doing studing chatting reading watching

buying baking trying failing playing chasing

1) don't leave

2) go now

3) will have to

4) arrive

5) won't learn

6) will waste

7) will improve

8) practice


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