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"The Article"

1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо,

Everest is … highest mountain in the world.

b) The Capital of … United Kingdom is London.

c) I'd like to go to … Caucasus this summer.

d) Fleet Street is named after a river called … Fleet, which now runs underground.

e) The Capital of the Ukraine is situated on … Dnepr.

1) During our summer holidays we visited some countries in … Europe: … Italy,

Germany and … Netherlands.

g) … Indian Ocean is warmer then … Pacific Ocean.

h) My brother went yesterday into biggest cinema in … our city.

1) … sky is blue, … sun is shining brightly: what lovely day we have!

Tretyakov Gallery has finest collection of Russian paintings.

When did he finish … school?

J) What … strange man I've met at … Browns!

m) My sister is … veterinarian.

n) You have such … wonderful smile.

o) Not every person has … courage to tell … truth frankly.

p) life is full ofwonders.

q) There was … old tree in their garden.

r) I like … blouse you bought yesterday.

s) She found … little dog in the street and took it home.

t) All you need is … love.

u) … friendship is a kind of … love.

v) When I'm sad the only thing that supports me is … music.

2. Выберите правильный вариант.

a) What a/the funny toy!

b) When does your child goes to the/- bed?

kc) She doesn't like to stay in -/the town in the/- summer.

d) Let's go to the/a theatre.

e) This year Jane leaves the/- college.

f) Our flat is on -/the first floor.

g) I saw the/a girl. A/the girl was very pretty.

h) They always speak in a/- loud voice.

j) If they are clever, they will not declare the/- war on us.

j) My friend took -/a offence at me and I should apologize.

takes the/- part in the musical contest.

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