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Read the essay and label the paragraphs with the correct heading B, C or D. C state the problem B summary opinion D offer solutions state the effects 1 More and more people are coming to the beach near our town. Unfortunately, many people are leaving their rubbish behind them. 2 This means that our beach is full of rubbish and it is becoming too dirty and dangerous to swim there. People will cut themselves on broken glass or tins, and sea creatures will die when they swallow plastic bags or other rubbish. 3 Fortunately, there are a few simple solutions to this problem. First, we can organise a clean-up day: we'll all help clean up and also inform people of how important it is to keep the beach clean. We should also put bins on the beach and put signs up to tell people to put their rubbish in these bins. 4 To conclude, we can all help keep our beach clean for everyone enjoy and at the same time help protect the marine life in the area.​

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Ядетектив ковальский. наше преступление было совершено вчера вечеров к пос незнакомые ей люди. начали расспрашивать где, её муж, но пос не была за мужем, и после десяти минутного разговора её обокрали: украшения, деньги, еду. на следующий день всё повторилось. тогда пос на 3 день уехала из города, а нам рассказав что было и я с напарником беком отправился к ней домой. и мы поймали этих жалких воришек, ими оказались 5 подросков- нищей. дело расскрыто, а преступники в детдоме. willow kowalski. our crime was committed yesterday evening to madame poz came from unfamiliar people. they began to ask where her husband was, but madame pose was not with her husband, and after ten minutes of conversation she was robbed: decorations, money, food. the next day, everything happened again. then madame pose left town on the 3rd day, and telling us what happened and i went with her partner bek to her house. and we caught these wretched thieves, they turned out to be 5 podroskov-beggar. the case is uncovered, and the criminals in the orphanage.

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