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2. Перепишите предложения, заполняя пропуски необходимыми предлогами. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. He’s been working … our company … a long year, and I was not happy … him. 2. Their Florida representative office closes … 9 p.m. … weekdays. 3. The manager is … the staff-room. Shall I send … him, or could you wait … him here? 4. They were … a business trip … Europe … last month, and Mr. Smiles was working … them. 5. The bank that we use the services … is … the centre … the city. 6. Yesterday my secretary worked hard … our offer, so she left the office late … night.

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1.h3po4  в) d) p2o5 2. h2so3 д) a) so2 3. hcl   е)    i) нет оксида

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