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Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимой временной форме. 1. Watershed now means a drainage area (to contain) a few thousand or a few hundred hectares from which water drains toward a single channel. 2. The need for a proper water control system (to feel) since they began to grow rice, some 10 years ago. 3. Because of heavy floods the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and India together (to suffer) more then a billion dollars’ worth of damage and almost 2,900 death every year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)if frenk`s    gone  out, we would ask john to helpus. 2) if sally    had  spare time, she could pay you more attention. 3) if she  wouldn't  heard  the news, she wouldn`t have gone there. 4) if the factory   wouldn't    cut back (proprobuction-рассмотрите это слово), many people would have their work. 5) if the train   were  less crowded, we would be more comfortable. 6) what would they have done if we   wouldn't  helped  them. 7) if we  were    there, it wouldn`t happened. 8) he might have heard the news, if he wouldn't  turned on   the radio. 9) if the boy  were   attentive, he won`t make any mistakes in his dictation. 10) if you  would ask   her for tickets, she could have noticed the fire.  11) if he   wouldn't   come  home, he wouldn`t have noticed the fire. 12) if i  wouldn't    come  home,in a shower i would answer the call. 13) we wouldn`t have gone to the   party if we   wouldn't  know   the truth. 15) if you  would  visit    the dentist,you wouldn`t have a problem with your tooth. 16) if i were not  out of university, i will be working as a foreign   correspondent.

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