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исправить ошибки. Английский язык 1. I'm afraid I don't find this play interested.
2. It's a month since I have seen Nick.
3. What did happen to you last night?
4. She says she's not fan of reading.
5. Sad films always make her to cry.
6. She asked what was I doing there so late.
7. John can`t live without read a book. He's got a large bookcase full of different books at home.
8. When you went to visit grandma yesterday?
9. Look! They are do exercises.
10. There's vase on the shelf,
11. How many milk is there in the bag?
12. What is those? Those are my chairs.
13. Mary isn't like going to school on Mondays.
14.In the night everybody sleeps. They're in their beds.
15. Do the mouse live in the house?
16. How much sugar you eat a day? Is it healthy?
17. We never are late for classes.
18. Her children fund of drawing and dancing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

write a letter to your pen friend and tell him/her about your new classmate.


напиши письмо своему другу/подруге по переписке и расскажи ему/ей о своем новом однокласснике.


hi, there!

how are you? thanks a lot for your last letter. it's nice to hear all your news. now, i'd like to tell you about new classmate. his name is taemin, he is from south korea. i think, he is clever, acitv and supportive boy. but now i'm not sure, because i don't know him well. i know just a few thing. he like to singing and dancing as well. so.. later, i will describe him better. what about you, have you got any new classmate? write me as soon as you can.

best wishes!  

yours truly,



как ты? за твое последнее письмо. приятно узнавать все твои новости. сейчас я хотел(а) бы рассказать тебе о новом однокласснике. его зовут тэмин, он с южной кореи. я думаю, он умный, активный и готовый в чем угодно мальчик. но сейчас я не знаю, потому что не знакома с ним так хорошо. я знаю только немного. он любит петь, так же сильно как и танцевать. так позже, я опишу его лучше. что по-поводу тебя, есть ли у тебя новый олноклассник? напиши мне так быстро, как ты можешь (или как можно скорей).

Популярно: Английский язык