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L would look for another job, if l (be) you​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ну я думал думал и вот : "I would look for another job, if l were you."

l would look for another job, if l were you​

1. A: So what do you do?/ what are you doing?

B: | work for a bank

2. A: How does your job go? / How's your job going at the

‘moment? OK?

B: Yeah, fine, but we're very busy. We work / We're working

on a new project this month.

3. A: What time do you start /are you starting work?

B: Eight — and my office is on the other side of town, so

| usually leave /1'm usually leaving the house around

seven and am getting / get up around six.

4 The business does /is doing well at the moment,

5 I'm unemployed at the moment. I'm looking / look for a job,

but it's difficult.

6 I usually work in Padstow, but / do /I'm doing a training

course in Hendon this week


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