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1)  She is ill. She must … and see the doctor. a) going                   b) go                         c) to go
2)  Next year I … going to learn to play the piano.
a) is                        b) am                        c) are
3)  The show was … .           I was … .
a) boring,   bored    b)  bored,  boring
4)  My sister is a girl … is good at Maths.
a) which                   b) who                      c) whom
5)  Yuri Gagarin is a legendary …
a) politician             b)   astronaut             c) cosmonaut
6)  Our mum … already … a cake.
a) has … cooked     b)   cooked                c) is cooking
7) The houses … by people every year.
a) is build               b)  is built                  c) are built
8) … my brother … a song tomorrow?
a) Will… sang          b) Will … sing       c) Do … sing
9) They … tennis every week.
a) plays                b)  play                         c) playing
10)  He … his day off last year.
a) spent                 b)   spends                    c) spen. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 B 2B 3A 4B 5C 6A 7C 8B 9B 10A

1 go

2 am

3 boring, bored

4 who

5 cosmonaut

6 has cooked

7 are built

8 Will ... Sing

9 play

10 spent

1. the boy cut his finger with  a knife. 2. the boat was carried by the waves into the open sea. 3. the teacher was pleased with our work. 4. america was discovered by columbus.  5. "hamlet" was written  by shakeреаге.  6. we eat soup with a spoon.  7. he was killed with a knife.  8. he was killed by the robbers.  9. he was knocked down with a big stick.  10. he was knocked down by a car.  11. he was taken to hospital  by an ambulance.  12. he was treat­ed  with very effective drugs.  13. he was cured by a very skilful doctor.  14. he wrote his letter with a pencil.  15. he was scolded by his mother.

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