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с правильным переводом предложения: Early Parisian department stores such as Bon Marché, established in 1852, and Printemps, founded in 1865, influenced the global model with their majestic design elements such as wide staircases, balconies, and interior rotundas.

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Ранние парижские универмаги, такие как Bon Marché, основанный в 1852 году, и Printemps, основанный в 1865 году, повлияли на глобальную модель своими величественными элементами дизайна, такими как широкие лестницы, балконы и внутренние ротонды.

1. i work at school. i am a teacher. 2. i am looking for christine. do you know where she is? 3. it is getting dark. shall i turn on the light? 4. iget up at 7 a.m. as my lessons start at 8.15. 5. it is raining now. take an umbrella! task 2 beautiful – handsome gift – present big – large father – daddy little – small a lot of – many task 3 guess the scramble words from given themes. 1. environment – loptiluno – pollution 2. nature – trosfe – forest 3. animals – lneeptha – elephant 4. arts – sculpture 5. house – cetarp – carpet 6. school – nscooicem – economics 7. weather – liah – hail 8. family – agrnyn – granny 9. professions – nfmraei – fireman 10. health - tuenog – tongue task 4 1. liquid – solid 2. bright – dim 3. further –nearer 4. get on – get off ii. grammar zone task 1. 1. what doesn't tom like ? 2. where has he lived for five years? 3. where must mike go? 4. why did she stay in bed for several days? 5. when did he come there ? task 2 1. goose –geese 2. tooth – teeth 3. phenomenon –phenomena 4. tobacco – tobaccos 5. hope – hopes 6. glass – glasses 7. potato –potatoes 8. film – films 9. exam – exams 10. language – languages task 3 1. water boils at 100 degrees celsius. (v) 2. the water boils. (is boiling) can you turn it off? 3. look! that man tries (is trying) to open the door of your car. 4. can you hear those people? what do they talk (are they talking) about? 5. the moon goes round the earth. (v) iii. listening 1. henry is very concerned about his health. –true 2. his breakfast is always delicious. – false 3. he doesn't go jogging if the weather is bad. – false 4. he always gets to his office on foot. – true 5. he has lunch at his office. – true 6. he never eats onions and garlic. - false 7. tv can damage his eyesight 8. onmonday he goes to a deep breathing class. 9. on thursday he goes to a vegetarian cookery class. 10. in summer henry sleeps in a tent in the garden

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