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Заполните пропуски глаголами в настоящем продолженном времени. Глагол дан в скобках. 1 The phone … (ring). Can you get it, please? ringing
2 I’m afraid she …(speak) with the doctor at the moment.
3 Mrs. Jones… (feel) much better today.
4 You …(take) your medication every day, aren’t you?
5 The pain… (get) worse.
6 I’m very worried about her. She …(not / eat) at the moment.
7 You… (not / sleep) as well at the moment. Is that correct?
8 This buzzer …(not / work). Can you fix it for me, please?

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1.is ringing

2. is speaking

3.is feeling

4.are taking

5.is getting

6.isn't eating

7.aren't sleeping

8.isn't working

Now I'm flocking outside the museum, I need to get To the hospital.

First I have to go straight On the High Street. When I see the museum, I have to turn right. Then I'll end up on Park Avenue. After that, I have to move. After that, I have to move straight before I get to the hospital. I've arrived at my destination.

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