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Read the definitions. Complete the definitions for the opposites. 1 An honest person always tells the truth.
A dishonest person ..
2 An ambitious person tries very hard to be successful.
An unambitious person ..
3 A polite person is never rude.
An impolite person ...
4 A tidy person always puts things away.
An untidy person ...
5 A loyal person is your friend for a long time.
A disloyal person ..
6 A tolerant person listens to other people's opinions.
An intolerant person ...
7 An active person gets a lot of exercise.
An inactive person.
8 A lucky person usually has good luck.
An unlucky person ...

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Ответы на вопрос:


A dishonest person always tells a lie.

An unambitious person doesn't try very hard to be successful.

An impolite person is always rude

An untidy person never puts things away

A disloyal person is your friend for a short time.

An intolerant person doesn't liesten to other people's opinions

An inactive person gets less exercise

An unlucky person usually has bad luck.

а) has her hair style правильно

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