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Напишите данные предложения на Англ. Языке, используя Предложения на Past Continuous (нужные глаголы в скобках):

1. Я читала глянцевый журнал в 7 часов вчера. (to read)
2. Мы обсуждали наши гороскопы, когда мой друг позвонил мне. (to discuss, to call)
3. Мы сплетничали о знаменитостях целый день вчера. (to gossip)
4. Я болтала с подругой по телефону, когда мама вошла в комнату. (to natter, to come into the room).
5. В 8 часов вечера я ужинал с семьей. (to have dinner)
6. Полчаса назад я все еще пек торт. Сейчас он уже готов! (to cook, to be ready)
7. Когда я шел на работу, я встретил старого друга. (to go, to meet)
8. Я услышал странный шум, когда смотрел телевизор. (to hear, to watch)
9. Когда я последний раз видел Джона, он пытался найти работу. (to see, to try to find)
10. Пока мама нам с домашней работой, папа читал газету. (to help, to read)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 I was reading a magazine at 7 o’clock

2 We were discussing our horoscopes when my friend called me

3 We were gossiping about celebrities all day

4 I was nattering with my friend when mother came into the room

5 I was having dinner with my family yesterday at 8 pm

6 30 minutes ago I was cooking a cake.
It is ready now

7 When I was going to work I met my old friend

8 I heart a strange noise while I was watching a TV

9 When I saw John he was trying to find a work

10 While mother was helping us with homework father was reading a newspaper

Надеюсь если это так не забываем говорить

There is a public free and a priva: mediane in the uk the nhs is funded through genera taxation. in the uk is necessa health insurance that provides treatment in case of illness rily the hcs in the uk is one of the best in: he world and they have the latest technology. the hcs in ukraine is not so gocd as uks. in lkraine there is also a public free) and 3 pm at medicine. in theory, healthcar s available free to all citizens of jkraine, however, in ora: tice, the free services only cover basic proisicn and patients often have to pay for extras such as specia ist equipment etc the positive side of the ukrainian medical system is hat it not necessary tchawe expensive insurance. ukraine medicine is sate. however, you will be requ red to pay for it. the ties,doctors and pharmacies have no money! you can tind trstklass doctors and treatnent. but, you must be aware that you w need hard cash to have anything other than very, very basic are here is nct a lack of medic nes, etc. only a lack of money!

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