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Module 3 Test. Form 10 Variant 2 Name 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct word: motivated,private,activities,training,uniform,attend,rules,sit,strict,public.

1. He has to extra classes at the weekend.

2. She goes to a very expensive School abroad.

3. When do you your exams?

4. The students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular .

5. Every morning we begin with physical at acrobatic school.

2. Fill in: on,out,up,at.

1. Will you pick Susan from school?.

2. Why are you picking your food like that?

3. You shouldn t pick younger children.

4. Can you help me pick a tie to match this shirt?

3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?

2. What is the name of the (big) port in the United States?

3. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

4. The London underground is the (old) in the world.

5. There is (great) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct future form (Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Continuous, be going to)

1. A: Why are you buying flour and eggs? B: Because I (make) a cake.

2. A: Did you ask Jackie to the party? B: Oh, no! I forgot! I (ask) her tonight.

3. A: What are you doing on Friday night? B: Oh, I (stay) at home with my family.

4. A: Have you tidied your room yet? B: No, but I promise I (do) it this afternoon.

5. When we go to Paris, we (climb) the Eiffel Tower.

6. James (complete) his studies by the end of the year.

7. Kim ( perform) in the school concert next week .

8. The team (leave) the office by 9 o clock tomorrow.

9. 'We've run out of milk.' 'Really? I (buy) some more this afternoon'.

10. This time next week I (take) my exams.

5. Fill in the correct word derived from the world in bold.

1. they don t have a they do all the landscaping themselves. GARDEN

2. He usually hires a when he does business in China. TRANSLATE

3. The drum received thunderous applause. SOLO

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. this picture was painted by a great artist. 2. the window was broken by john the other day. 3. the letter will be posted by me tomorrow. 4. the cup has been broken by my little brother. 5. by the time the director came, all the letters had been typed by her. 6. a meal is being prepared by them now. 7. the lecturer was asked a few questions about shakespeare. 8. newspapers and magazines are brought by the postman in the evening. 9. my daughter was sent for the doctor.10. the teacher is always listened to attentively.

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