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TEST 4 ( 6 класс) 1. Complete the types of TV programmes.
e.g. t a l k s h o w
1. s_ _c_m 5. _r_ _a
2. _e_ _i_ _ s_ _ _ 6. _ _ _ic s_ _ _
3. _ _ _ s 7. s_ _ _ _ s
4. s_ i_ _ c_ f_ _ _ _ _n
2. Underline the correct word.
e.g. I love hamburgers. I think they are delicious\disgusting.
1. I hate watching soap operas. They are boring\interesting.
2. I don’t really like basketball. It’s wonderful\awful.
3. My friend wants to order some pizza tonight. It’s fantastic\terrible!
4. We help our parents in\around the house.
5. We usually have lunch\breakfast at 7.30 a.m.
6. He always wakes up\has dinner early in the morning.
7. When we go camping we always put up our knots\tents.
8. We tell stories\texts before we go to bed.
9. I surf\walk the Net in the evening.
10. He spends his pocket money\tickets on the cinema.

3. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.
a. come\ I\ early\ always\ to\work
b. usually\Ben\ breakfast\ has\school\before
c. go out\we\sometimes\friends\with
d. she\plays\the piano\often
e. order\at\pizza\ weekends\we\sometimes
f. to\he\never\music\listens
g. before\usually\she\gets dressed\breakfast

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple.
e.g. Harry Potter lives with the Dursley family.
1.What time….. you…… (get) up? 6.Mr.Smith…..(teach) Geography.
2.Michael…..(study) well at school. 7.Russian teens…..(have) pocket money.
3.Gwen…..(not\have breakfast) at home. 8.Susan….(have) some extra classes.
4.When….you usually…..(start) school? 9.What subjects…..(be) your favourite?
5.Pupils….(meet) for the assembly every morning. 10. Kids…..(not\order) pizza.

5. Underline the correct word.
1. In the morning he gets dressed and\but has breakfast.
2. After\before breakfast he goes to school.
3. He usually has 6 lessons before\then goes home.
4. He has lunch before\when he does his homework.
5. In the evening he watches his favourite sitcom besides\after that he reads a little.
6. He often chats online before\but he gets asleep.

6. Match the questions to the responses.
1. What about going to the cinema tonight? A. Sure. I hope I’ll be better.
2. Shall we meet at 6 at my place? B. No, sorry. Pop music is disgusting.
3. Are you free on Sunday? C. Sounds great! See you later.
4. Would you like to watch a pop concert ? D. I’m afraid not. We are busy.
5. How about next week? E. Definitely! I like science fiction!

7. Read the text. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)
Mr White, 45, is a schoolteacher. He is English, but he lives in France. Mr White lives in France, but he works in England. Just imagine!
Every day he leaves home at 3.30 in the morning and drives 100 miles to the station where he leaves his car and goes by boat to England. He teaches French from 9.00 in the morning to 3.30 in the afternoon, and then he leaves school. He arrives home at 9.30 in the evening. He usually has a pleasant evening with his family.
How often does he teach in England? Only once a week. On the other days he teaches English for pupils in his village. He says he loves his job in England and he is happy in France too. He is a happy man.

one day a week.
Mr White teaches French in France.
Mr White likes working in England and working in France. __Mr White is 45.
Mr White is French.
Mr White is a professor.
Mr White goes by bus to the station.
Mr White learns French n England.
Mr White leaves school at 9.30.
Mr White works in France ___
He finds his job disgusting.

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есть отдельное правило у множественного числа слов man - woman.

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