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4. 1 Look at the examples from the text on page
44. Write (C) certain or (NC) not certain. Then
complete the rules.
a There will be some kind of base on the Moon. C
b We may even create lunar cities
C NASA and the European Space Agency will
probably send more astronauts to the Moon..
d We definitely won't live on the Moon all the
e We will certainly return to the Moon one day.
f Such trips might not interest as many people as
those of the 1960s and 1970s. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

    i was born in a town called blackburn, in the north-west of england, and lived   there till i left.   my parents had to england from india during  the 70s.   as a  child, i went to the local school and the local english accent, as well as all other children. we lived in a kind of 'little india', with a huge family of his uncle and aunt. i felt like a big family and more of what is called 'india'. i think my family  really influenced me while i was growing up.for me, it does not seem at all surprising rise in the two cultures. i always thought growing up in two cultures is a gift. now that i have a child i  want, she met her indian roots too, so we plan to visit  this country. all her indian cousins ​​are looking forward to meeting her.

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