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с тестом. Заранее
1. How long here?

a. are you living
b. do you live
c. you live
d. have you lived

2. I help you with the cooking?

a Have
b Will
c Shall
d Am

3. He denied the money.

a take
b having taken
c to take
d to have taken

4. She for 12 hours before she finished.

a is working
b had been working
c has worked
d has been working

5. When I was a child I running every day.

a had gone
b have gone
c used to go
d was going

6. What at 10 o'clock last night?

a were you doing
b have you been doing
c had you done
d had you been doing

7. He hasn't left the office

a just
b before
c already
d yet

8. They will have finished 8 o'clock.

a by
b since
c by the time
d until

9. I'm afraid I to come to the party.

a don't go
b won't
c won't be able
d can't

11. "You look slimmer." " Yes, I 12 kilos."

a had lost
b have lost
c lost
d have been losing

12. "I'm having trouble with this exercise."- "Don't worry. I you."

a 'll help
b helped
c am going to help
d have helped

13."Have you ever been to China?" - "Yes, I there in 2010."

a have gone
b went
c have been
d have been going

14. "How long have you worked here?" - "By the end of the month I here for three years."

a 'll work
b 'm going to work
c 'll be working
d 'll have worked

15. "We'll need some cola for the party." - "I some."

a 've already bought
b had bought
c will have bought
d buy

16. "I need to give a message to Susan." - "I her at the office this afternoon."

a 'll have seen
b have seen
c 'll be seeing
d see

17. "Have you ever met a famous person?" - "Yes, I Putin once."

a have been meeting
b meet
c have met
d met

18. "These shoes aren't at all comfortable." - "You shouldn't them."

a to buy
b bought
c have bought
d buying

19. "What's wrong with Lynda?" - "She problems at work lately."

a has been having
b will have
c 'll be having
d was having

20. "What's Pam doing?" - "She seems ."

a to have worked
b to be working
c working
d to work

21. "How long have you been working here?" - " 6 months."

a For
b From
c Ago
d Since

22. "How long does it take you to write a novel?" - "By December I on this one for 3 years."

a am going to work
b will have been working
c will work
d will be working

23. What this Saturday evening? Would you like to go out?

a do you do
b are you doing
c you are going to do
d shall you do

24. Look out! She faint!

a will
b 's going to
c would
d is able to
25. According to this time table, the bus at 6.00.

a is arriving
b arrives
c is going to arrive
d must arrive
26. I have a feeling that something strange in a minute.

a is happening
b will happen
c must happen
d is going to happen

27. The radiator in my room has burst, and there is water all over the floor! - You are the manager, what about it?

a are you doing
b you will do
c will you do
d are you going to do

28. Please be quiet! You me.

a interrupt continually
b continually interrupt
c are continually interrupting
d continually interrupting me

29. Jane is away on holiday so Linda her work.

a handles
b does handle
c is handling
d has been handling

30. Pay no attention to Graham. He sarcastic again.

a 's just
b was
c 's just being
d has been

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