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Раскройте скобки, обращая внимание на форму времени глагола-сказуемого. 1). What you (to look for)?-I (to look for) my magazine. it (to be) her half an hour ago. Oh, here it is. You ( to hide) if from me?
2). Why you (to cry)? Are you afraid?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i would take it away from a baby and check if they hurt yourself or not. if they old enough i would try to explain them why it is so dangerous to play with knife and other sharp objects. 2) i would take my studies more serious. i would spend more time studying and less playing and hanging out with friends. maybe i would find a tutor or something like that. 3) i would have fun. i'd make bunch of pranks on my friends and siblings. may be i could help if there is someone in danger. 4) i would freak out at first, because it is not that common to meet an alien. but after that i would try to make a contact with them, try to find out basic things. like what planet they are from and etc. 3) i wouldn't spend so much time in public transport. and i could go travel without so much of a planing, because i wouldn't need tickets and all those things. i would take it to workshope twice a year.

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