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101.I am planning … my granny next week. A. To visit
B. Visiting
C. To visiting
D. Visit
E. Visited

102.He suggested … some food.

A. To buy
B. Buying
C. Buy
D. To buying
E. Bought
1038.Does Sally enjoy … to the gym?

A. Going
B. To go
C. Go
D. To going
E. goes

104.I think she didn’t mean … you.
A. To hurt
B. Hurting
C. Hurt
D. To hurting
E. Hurts

105. It's Tom. He his car.
A. Fix
B. Fixing
C. Fixed
D. Is fixing
E. To fix

106.I don’t mind… .
A. To wash up
B. Washing up
C. To washing up
D. Wash up
E. Washed up

107.My brother intends … married soon

A. Getting
B. To get
C. Get
D. Got
E. To getting

108.We can … Spanish.

A. To speak
B. Speaking
C. Speak
D. To speak
E. spoken

109.You’d better … faster.
A. Move
B. Moving
C. To move
D. To moving
E. Moved

110. Let me … you some advice.

A. Give
B. Giving
C. Gave
D. To give
E. Gived

111. Chose the correct answer
I enjoyed on Sunday

A. –
B. To meeting
C. Meeting
D. Meet
E. To meet

112.Where is Ann? She in the kitchen.
A. Is cooking
B. Are cooking
C. Cook
D. Cooked
E. To cook

113.They in the park now.
A. Walk
B. Are walking
C. To walk
D. Walked
E. Walks

114.We TV at the moment.
A. Aren’t watching
B. Watching
C. Watch
D. Not watching
E. Watches

115.What do think about collecting stamps?
A. I think it is interesting
B. I think he likes cycling
C. It is reading
D. I like painting
E. I like drawing

116. What is your father’s hobby?
A. I think it is dangerous
B. My father's hobby is reading books
C. My father’s name is Dima
D. I think his hobby is boring
E. My hobby is dancing

117. Translate into Russian
A. Вырубка леса
B. Загрязнение
C. Газ
D. Лавина
E. Отходы

118. Translate into Enlglish
«выхлопные газы»
A. Exhaust fumes
B. deforestation
C. garbage
D. pollute
E. poisoning
119.There much milk in the bottle.
A) are
B) is
C) in
E) the

120.Annual festivals of music and drama are very … in Britain.
A) popular
B) proposal
C) move
D) sentence
E) the sentences

121.Cats can wash … paws and fur.
A) them
B) there are
C) their
D) theirs
E) –

122.There were __boys and girls in __room.
A) -\ the
B) the\the
C) the\the
E) a\the

123.Find the antonym Slow
A) Small
B) fast
C) Speed
D) Rare
E) Empty

124.Choose the necessary article: in …… summer we lived in the village
A) this
B) an
C) a
D) the
E) -

125.Give the Russian equivalent DIVING
A) Прыжки вводу
B) стрельба из лука
C) купание
D) парусный спорт
E) плавание

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwill buy a bike, if my parents give me money for my birthday we will not win the game, if we do not play well

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