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A) Read the title of the text and the headings, and look at the pictures. How do
("Boxing Day) are public holidays
in the UK and many people stop working
people in the UK celebrate these special for a week or two of Christmastime On
days? Read to find out.
the night before Christmas - Christmas
b) Read the text again and mark the sentences Eve - teenagers and adults go out and
T(true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).
have fun with their friends Christmas
Day is, of course a day when people
1 Everyone in the UK goes away on
spend time with their families and eat a
holiday with their families at Christmas.
big meal in the middle of the day
2 Most teens in the UK spend time
with their friends on Christmas Day.
3 There is only one public holiday
every year that is on a Friday.
he Easter weekend is the longes
4 Every family makes their own
until Easter Monday. The first day of Ec
hot cross buns at Easter.
holiday that takes place on a Friday e
5 Halloween is an old English tradition.
British public holidays are Mondays
6 Children play a lot of tricks on their
neighbours at Halloween,
These days many teenagers go on he

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