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1. Fill in the necessary word. Skills, uniform, sound, boarding, attend, beamed, poorly, shifts, actions, armed.

1. Some types of schools are expensive private ___ schools.

2. We train very hard, but these ___ will help me earn living.

3. Jeffery works in hospital and he works ___.

4. I have got a lot of ideas and when I return, we put them into ___.

5. Students who ___ classes here are going to become famous people.

6. Do you have to wear a ___ to school?

7. You must be fit and healthy if you want a career in ___ forces.

8. Sally’s mother ___ with pride as she watched her win the race.

9. Some nurses are so ___ paid they have to get a second job.

10. He was ___ asleep in spite of all the noise.

2. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I am going to pick on/up my sister from school.

2. Don’t pick on/at him.

3. Harry is responsible to/for arranging the party.

4. My dad is in/at charge of twenty people.

5. No wonder she is thin. She only picks up/at her food.

3. Put the verbs in the brackets into correct future form.

1. I ( travel) around the world when I leave school.

2. Imagine. This time tomorrow I ( sit) by the pool enjoying coffee.

3. Don’t worry! He ( finish) the translation by tomorrow morning.

4. We ( meet) Jane later for coffee. Why don’t you join us?

5. You must be starving. I ( cook) you something nice!

6. When ( you/fly) to New York? – Tomorrow morning.

7. The kids ( go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

8. Use my pencil. - Thanks. I ( give) it back in a minute.

9. I’m sure Thomas ( become) a great artist.

10. Look at the traffic! We ( be late) for work again.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1. The searched through old documents for many years. HISTORY

2. The ___ was busy all day, tiding shelves. LIBRARY

3. The drum ___ received a storm of applauses. SOLO

4. William is a new managing ___ now. DIRECT

5. They don’t have a ___ they do the landscaping themselves. GARDEN

6. He usually hires a ___ when he does business in China. TRANSLATE

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Ответы на вопрос:

Trenirovka polushariy mozga budet osobenno effektivna, yesli ona nosit adaptivnyy kharakter. odnoy iz tseley adaptivnoy nastroyki, soglasno poslednim issledovaniyam, yavlyayetsya podderzhaniye v optimal'nom diapazone urovnya slozhnosti. uroven' slozhnosti dolzhen byt' takim, chtoby chelovek mog vypolnit' zadaniye s nekotorym napryazheniyem. po mere uluchsheniya rezul'tatov, slozhnost' vozrastayet. imenno na etom printsipe postroyeny intellektual'nyye igry i zadachi dlya trenirovki mozga, kotoryye vy mozhete nayti na sayte vikium. s azartom perekhodya s odnogo urovnya igry na drugoy, vy nezametno dlya sebya povyshayete effektivnost' raboty oboikh polushariy mozg.

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