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People have known it for a long time. The rescuers carried the two cold and hungry children down the mountain and took them into a warm room.
They announced the arrival of the next plane over the loudspeakers.
Did anyone send you the photographs which they promised you?
They showed her carefully how to do it.
crochno nado v Passive

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Ответы на вопрос:

С кем я имею честь говорить? — обратился он к не гостю.

Чёрт сконфузился и потупил глазки.

— Вы не стесняйтесь, — продолжал Лахматов. — Подойдите ближе... Я человек без предрассудков, и вы можете говорить со мной искренно... по душе... Кто вы?

Чёрт нерешительно подошел к Лахматову и, подогнув под себя хвост, вежливо поклонился.

Who do I have the honor to speak to? — he turned to the uninvited guest.

The devil was confused and lowered his eyes.

"Don't be shy," Lakhmatov continued. - Come closer... I am a man without prejudice, and you can talk to me sincerely... to my liking... Who are you?

The devil hesitantly approached Lakhmatov and, bending his tail under him, politely bowed.


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