5. Put did, was, or were into the gaps. Answer yes/no questions. Were you late for the lesson yesterday?
No, I wasn't.
Yes, I was.
b) - did Aktan hungry after school?
Yes, he 0.
- No, he
When Jid Aida take an exam? ?
d) - did he go to the supermarket the day before yesterday?
Yes, heVos.
- No, he
What did your mother cook for dinner yesterday evening?
f) - vlte they happy?
- Yes,
- No,
your brother born?
h) - Who were you talk to in the classroom yesterday?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. what are you going to study today?   - что ты собираешься изучать сегодня? 2. it is not going to snow. - снег не пойдет 3. are they going to stay in a hotel? - ты собираешься остановиться в отеле? 4. would you like to come? yes, i would. - ты бы хотела прийти? да. 5. i would like to go to your party. - я бы хотел(а) пойти на твою вечеринку. 6. you must buy a ticket. - ты должен купить билет. 7. i saw someone-i'm sure it was a woman. - я видел(а) кого-то-я уверен(а), что это была женщина.

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