Есть ответ 👍

Упражнение 1 Выделите инфинитив, определите его форму (время), переведите предложение, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

Пример: I am sorry to have broken your vase.

to have broken – Perfect, Active

Извини(те), что я разбил (а) вашу (твою) вазу.

1 I am very glad to see you.

2 It seems to have been raining heavily since morning.

3 My sister is happy to be wearing a new dress.

4 He wants to be told the true information by the police officer.

5 Mary was delighted to have met her old friend.

6 The army was reported to have returned to the city.

7 The scientists turned out to have worked out new medicine.

8 Your Maths seems to be getting better now.

9 Students often do not like to study.

10.People usually prefer to be praised by everyone.

11.I am very sorry not to have done my homework.

12.The problem turned out to have been solved.

13.The clerk seems to have been working for many hours.

14.It seems to be snowing now.

15.I am not ready to forgive you.

16.I am sorry to have broken your cup.

17.The writer turned out to have been forgotten by the readers.

18.The boy wants to be brought home by his brother.

19.It seems to be getting dark.

20.The goods turned out to have been sold during the sale.

21.Mike seems to be passing an exam now.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 I am very glad to see you.

glad to see-Past Simple,Active

Я рад тебя видеть.

2 It seems to has been raining heavily since morning.

to has been raining-Present Perfect Continuous,Active

Похоже, с утра идет сильный дождь.

3 My sister is happy to be wearing a new dress.

to be wearing-Present Continuous

Моя сестра счастлива примеряя новое платье.

4 He wants to be told the true information by the police officer.

to be told- Past Simple,Active

Он хочет, чтобы офицер полиции сообщил ему истинную информацию.

5 Mary was delighted to have met her old friend.

was delighted-Past continuous,active

Мэри была в восторге от встречи со своей старой подругой

6 The army was reported to have returned to the city.

was reported-past simple,active

Сообщалось, что армия вернулась в город.

7 The scientists turned out to have worked out new medicine.

to have worked-present perfect,active

Оказалось, что ученые разработали новое лекарство.

8 Your Maths seems to be getting better now.

to be getting-present continuous,active

Твоя математика, кажется, становится лучше.

9 Students often do not like to study.

don't like to-Present Simple,passive

Студенты часто не любят учиться.

10.People usually prefer to be praised by everyone.

to be praised-past simple,active

Люди обычно предпочитают, чтобы их хвалили все.

11.I am very sorry not to have done my homework.

haven't done-presrnt perfect,passive

- Мне очень жаль, что я не сделала домашнее задание.

12.The problem turned out to have been solved.

to have been-perfect past simpe,active

Проблема оказалась решена.

13.The clerk seems to have been working for many hours.

to have been-perfect continuous

Клерк, похоже, работал уже много часов.

14.It seems to be snowing now.

to be snowing-present continuous

to be snowing-Present Continuous,Active

Кажется, сейчас идет снег.

15.I am not ready to forgive you.

to forgive-presen simple,active

Я не готов простить тебя.

16.I am sorry to have broken your cup.

to have broken-perfect past simple

- Мне очень жаль, что я разбил вашу чашку.

17.The writer turned out to have been forgotten by the readers.

to have been forgotten-perfect past simple

Писатель оказался забыт читателями.

18.The boy wants to be brought home by his brother.

to be brought-past simple,active

Мальчик хочет, чтобы его привел домой брат.

19.It seems to be getting dark.

to be getting-present cont.

Кажется, уже темнеет.

20.The goods turned out to have been sold during the sale.

have been sold-perfect past simple

Оказалось, что товар был продан во время продажи.

21.Mike seems to be passing an exam now.

to be passing-present cont.

Похоже, Майк сейчас сдает экзамен.



3. similar-different


5. cheap- expensive








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