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Write an email to your pen - friend about the system of education in Ukraine. Write about: - the age when children start school
- how long pupils study at school
- what subjects are at Ukrainian school
- what after-school activities our pupils have
- when pupils finish school
- where pupils can enter after finishing school
- what your plans are after finishing school
(Написати другу про систему освіти в Україні. Розказати про вік, коли діти починають і закінчують школу. Які предмети вивчають українські школярі, чи відвідують позашкільні гуртки, де продовжують навчання після закінчення школи, а також, напишіть про власні плани після завершення школи.
Використовуйте лексику попередніх уроків за темою
" Школи.Освіта")
Стиль написання неофіційний!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

that was my last year at school? and i was very busy in fact/ i was an early riser/ on week-days the alarm-clock woke me up and my working day began/ it was 7 oclock in spring or early autum i usually ran to the window and opened it wide to let the fresh air in. the sunshine and fresh air set me into cheerful working mood. sometimes i did my morning exercises, but sometimes i just took a walk and went to school on foot. in winter it was different, of course, i was not so quickly to leave my bed but all the same, it was time to get up and start getting ready for my working day

Популярно: Английский язык