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Trust them; they would not even help a friend'. According to Trompenaars' data, there are many more particularists in Latin and Asian countries than in Australia, the USA, Canada, or northwest
Task1. Read the text "Cross-cultural management" and complete the paragraphs using the
sentences below.
a. It was later discovered that he was deliberately trying not to sell more than any of his
colleagues, so as not to reveal their inadequacies.
b. The former believe that rules are extremely important; the latter believe that personal
relationships and friendships should take precedence.
c. The conflict between globalization and localization has led to the invention of the word
d. The task-oriented logic of matrix management conflicts with the principle of loyalty to the
all-important line superior, the functional boss.
e. In such cultures, status has to be achieved. You don't automatically respect people just
because they've been in a company for 30 years.
2 sor
Task2. Answer the questions.
1. How would you explain the concept of 'glocalization'?
2. Why might a 50-year-old Japanese manager be offended if he had to negotiate with or
report to a well-educated but inexperienced 30-year-old American?
3. Why was the American concept of pay-for-performance unpopular in Italy, and in Asia, in
Trompenaars' example?
4. Why do universalists disapprove of particularists and vice versa?
50 C

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I haven't seen that film

2. My friends have not played this video game

3. Amina has finished reading her new novel.

4.They have played football for many years

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