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Choose the appropriate verb to complete the sentences and circle them. 1.No matter how long it (takes/will take) us to estimate the results of his research we (do/will do) it.

2. Culture is a term which (is often referred/often refer) to literature and other arts.

3. On reflection Bob admitted that he (has visited/had visited) Lord Morrison in his castle.

4.All my life I (wanted/have wanted) to reveal that awful family secret, but alas, I will never be able to do it.

5.The valuable vase (has been estimated/was estimated) at 900 dollars the other day.

6.He (is constantly talking/constantly talks) at my lessons! That’s so annoying.

7.Do you think that nobody (work/works) on national holidays? You are mistaken.

8. Did you see your neighbour (talk/to talk) with Mr.Hamilton just now?

9. We (have found/found) the keys to the barn door at last! – Where (did you find/have you found) them?

10.If he (join/will join) us in the studio, he (will have/have) to follow our rules.

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Ответы на вопрос:

No matter how long it (will take) us to estimate the results of his research we (do/will do) it.

2. Culture is a term which (is often referred) to literature and other arts.

3. On reflection Bob admitted that he (has visited) Lord Morrison in his castle.

4.All my life I (wanted) to reveal that awful family secret, but alas, I will never be able to do it.

5.The valuable vase (has been estimated) at 900 dollars the other day.

6.He (constantly talks) at my lessons! That’s so annoying.

7.Do you think that nobody (work) on national holidays? You are mistaken.

8. Did you see your neighbour (talk) with Mr.Hamilton just now?

9. Не уверен в ответе

10.If he (join) us in the studio, he (will have) to follow our rules.

first conditional (if + present simple, ... will + infinitive)

5.Today was a great day, our teacher brought her dog named Walter! He's so big, fat and chubby looking dog, and he also has long legs. He got small ears too! Ms (имена учителя) told us that Walter is afraid of dark so she keeps her indoors with lights on. And Walter is very friendly and fun to play with! Well, he's not interested on playing a game called fetch, but hes more interested to belly pats. We were playing with Walter at the playground like, running! And the fascinating part was that Walter quickly ran to the finish! Ms (имена учителя) wants to work out with Walter due to his overweight, beacuse he's so heavy it's like you're holding a box filled with metal objects.5.Today was a great day, our teacher brought her dog named Walter! He's so big, fat and chubby looking dog, and he also has long legs. He got small ears too! Ms (имена учителя) told us that Walter is afraid of dark so she keeps her indoors with lights on. And Walter is very friendly and fun to play with! Well, he's not interested on playing a game called fetch, but hes more interested to belly pats. We were playing with Walter at the playground like, running! And the fascinating part was that Walter quickly ran to the finish! Ms (имена учителя) wants to work out with Walter due to his overweight, beacuse he's so heavy it's like you're holding a box filled with metal objects.

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