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Please help me with the test! 72. Everyone likes …
A) value
B) valuing
C) to be valued
D) be valued
73. Sorry … you in such an inconvenient situation.
A) to placing
B) to have placed
C) placing
D) to be placed
74. I'm so glad … with such a well-known person.
A) speaking
B) to be spoken
C) to be speaking
D) being spoken
75. This student seems … a lot.
A) to read
B) to be read
C) reading
D) read
76. … to good melody is a pleasure.
A) Listen
B) Listening
C) Listened
D) Being listening
77. My bicycle needs …
A) reparing
B) to repare
C) be repaired
D) repaired
78. All teenagers like … mystery stories.
A) tell
B) being told
C) be told
D) be telling
79. Excuse me for … your favorite vase.
A) breaking
B) break
C) to break
D) being breaking
80. I don't mind … to the party.
A) she come
B) she coming
C) her coming
D) she to come

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