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2 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 My sister always leaves her clothes
on the floor. She's very u
2 I'm enjoying this book. It's i
3 Becky is always smiling. She's
4 I don't like this horror film. It's
5 I can't find my dog. I'm w
6 My brother tells bad jokes. He's very

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Ответы на вопрос:

i think the weather (will be) fine on sunday.

lisa has sold her car. i think she (is going to buy) a bike.

how old (will you be) in 2050?

what time (will the show/begin)?

what (are you doing) tomorrow evening?

these boxes are so heavy. (will you carry) them for me, please?

this lesson (does not end) at 11: 30 but at 11: 40.

this time tomorrow we (shall be driving) to moscow.

the students (will have written) their essays by the end of the week.

the steward says: “ (are landing) in london in about 20 minutes.”

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