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1 The soup ( to eat ) yesterday afternoon.
2 This beautiful building ( to build) two centuries ago .
3 These flowers ( to plant )three weeks ago .
4 He ( to invite ) to the birthday party last Tuesday .
5 This exercise ( to do) at the last Russian lesson
6 The meat salad ( to make ) half an hour ago .
7 Moscow ( to found ) in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky

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eating building plantation inviting does makes founded



Dear majathanks for  your last letter. i  hope you're ok.i'm writing to  you from zakopane. i  came here with my  family last friday and  we're going to  leave on  february 21.  we're staying in  a nice boarding house, not  far from krupówki. i'm  sharing a  room with my  sister ania. we  spend most of  our time skiing. the  weather is  great. yesterday there was  a snowstorm but  today it  is very sunny and  quite warm so  the conditions for  skiing are  fantastic. just after breakfast, i  went with ania and  our dad  to a  ski run  in  białka. we  were skiing for  nearly 6  hours so  now i'm  very tired. i'm  going to  spend the  whole evening in  my room, writing letters and  postcards and  listening to  the music. i  must get  some rest because tomorrow we're going to  climb gubałówka and  then to  ski from its  top. i  had a  funny adventure today. i  lost one  of my  ski poles when a  ski lift was  pulling me  up the  slope. fortunately, my  dad found it.ania wants to  learn to  snowboard, she  has already had  two lessons and  she enjoyed them very much. she  says that i  also should try  but i  don't think it's a  good idea.i'm having a  good time here. on  the day  when we  came here, i  made friends with children of  the owner of  the boarding house. they're very nice and  we play together in  the afternoons. two  days ago  we made together a  huge snowman in  the garden and  yesterday we  had a  snowball fight.my brother caught cold and  he can't go  skiing with us.  he's staying in  bed, taking some medicines and  complaining about everything. fortunately, he's getting better and  maybe tomorrow he'll go  to the  ski slope with us.that's all  from me.  i must finish now  because my  mum's calling me  for supper.

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