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Твір на тему National disaster, food and drinks, my favourite film кожен по 15 речень

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Natural disasters such as flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, tsunamis are becoming more and more frequent on our planet. In short description a natural disaster is a result of a natural hazard, which has a negative effect on human beings


Такие природные катастрофы, как наводнение, пожар, торнадо, землетрясение, цунами все чаще встречаются на нашей планете. Вкратце, природная катастрофа – это результат стихийного бедствия, которое оказывает негативное влияние на человека

I(жду с нетерпением looking forward) to seeing you again. fred isn't walking very fast. you'll (догонишь catch up with) him if you start at once. the wedding (состоялась took place) in spite of jim and mary's last-minute quarrel. the teacher (указал pointed out) some mistakes that the pupil hadn't corrected. could you (подождать hold on) for a moment while i turn off the iron? i can't (понять make out) if it's a man or a woman over there. we have (закончился run out) petrol, i'm afraid. i tried to ring him up but i couldn't (дозвониться get through). before i make any decision i'll need to (обсудить talk it over) it with my boss. why don't you (примерить try on) that dress in the window? you need to (заполнить fill in/out) this customs declaration. did you (выяснить find out) why they hadn't paid the bill? when the bomb (взорвалась went off) there were a lot of people nearby. nick and kelly (ссорятся fall out) every few weeks, but their quarrels never last. i didn't have a key, but luckily someone was there to (впустить меня let me in).

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