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II - Variant​ Reading Task 1. Read the text FAMILY AND FRIENDS — MY UNCLE My uncle Chris is the best uncle I have ever had. He is tall, has dark hair and brown eyes. He isn’t plump or thin. He has dark complexion and get suntanned easily. Uncle Chris is a gardener, a car-mechanic, an electrician and animal-lover all in one. He is unemployed but does a lot of odd jobs for people, who help him a lot. He's got a great sense of humor. He's got lots of ideas too. He’s always very positive about things. Never gets angry. I have never seen him shout or raise his voice at anyone. And he‘s very friendly. I think that's why so many people like him and he's very popular among his family, friends and neighbors. He usually wears dark jeans and flannel shirts but when it's cold he puts on his warm winter jacket and his funny red woolly bat. When he goes fishing he pills on his wellington boots and overalls and his baseball cap (he looks funny because it says fishing king). When there is a celebration in the family, a wedding or a birthday. Uncle Chris always dresses in a funny way. He does. Once when he went to his nephew's wedding he was wearing a suit. He was all right but he forgot about it and went to feed the pigeons before coming to the wedding. Imagine what the suit looked like. Uncle Chris loves animals, can spend hours talking to them, caring about them and doing all sorts of jobs that one does when looking after animals. He keeps pigeons, fish, rabbits, a ferret and a dog. He is a great animal expert, knows a lot about animals and always helps people when their pets are ill. Choose True or False: 1. He is slim. 2. He gets angry very often. 3. He likes fishing. 4. He keeps cows. Answer the questions: 1. Does he work? 2. What kind of animals does he keep? Descriptor A learner • reads the text; • chooses True or false correctly; • answers correctly Total: 6 Writing Task 2. Write an essay “My friend”. Descriptors A learner • writes 45-55 words -2 • uses 5-6 active vocabulary -2 • uses comparative and superlative adjectives - 1 • writes grammatically correct sentences -2 Total: 7 Total: 13

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